2015 - 7th RIMM - 4th Music Festival of Mirecourt
For this 7th International Musical Meeting of Mirecourt, Marianne Piketty, Art Director, whished to collaborate with world known french and foreign artists :
- Christian Altenburger, Austrian violonist, who was already member of the jury during the 2012 International Violin Competition of Mirecourt and participated as musician to the 2013 Musical Meeting ;
- Hariolf Schlichtig, German violist ;
- Philippe Muller, french cellist teaching in USA ;
- Dana Ciocarlie, french pianist, participated already to the 2013 Musical Meeting ;
- Alasdair Beatson, British pianist ;
- Edoardo Catemario, Italian guitarist ;
This year we wanted to cover all the aristic heritage from Mirecourt, meaning the stringed instrument making. Therefore, to mix bowed strings and plucked strings, we invited the Italian guitarist Edoardo Catemario.
This Festival was also the opportunity to discover a young french talented cellist, Aurélien Pascal, and give him the opportunity to play some major pieces of the french repertoire with the most famous musicians.
We have also established a partnership with the CH de Ravenel. The opening concert was proposed in the Ravenel Auditorium and presented 3 songs by the vocal group Itinér'air (volunteers from the Ravenel Hospital) accompanied by a strings instrument quatuor.
In 2015, another driver was to promote the Rencontres Internationales de Musique outside the Mirecourt area to share these awsome musical moments with an extended number of people. Therefore a concert was played in the Music School of Neufchâteau.
A strong link between professionals and amateurs has been built during concerts where students and teachers from the music school of Mirecourt have participated, as well as during master-classes, meetings and share of best practices between luthiers and musicians.
Remember! The RIMM 2015 in video CLIC HERE
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Press release : 2015 rimm7 revue de presse b (5.65 Mo)
2015 program : Rimm7 2015 programme final (1022.96 Ko)
Thuesday, November 10th – 20H00 – Auditorium CH Ravenel
This first concert of the 2015 edition was special as it was a unique partnership with the Ravenel Hospital.
The Vocal Group Itinér’air, under the direction of Christine Tricarri opened the program with three songs. They were accompanied by the Adult Vocal Group of the Music School of Mirecourt and by a quatuor which members where teachers from the music school and Marianne Piketty.
The emotion on stage and in the audience was very high. The music gathered valid and disabled people who cheered the artists in an unique standing ovation.
Wednesday, November 11th – 18H00 – Auditorium of the Music School of Neufchâteau
This year, on of the drivers was to promote the Rencontres Internationales de Musique outside the Mirecourt area to share these awsome musical moments with an extended number of people. Therefore a concert was played in the Music School of Neufchâteau.
This concert highlighted the piano and showed the virtuosity and complicity of the pianists, especially during amazing four hand pieces.
Wednesday, November 11th – Cello Master class given by Philippe Muller
Thursday, November 12th – 18H00 – Violin and Bow Making Museum
The museum provided an unusual concert hall showing the unique heritage of Mirecourt : stringed instrument and bow making.
It is in this intimate place where Aurélien Pascal entered in the festival. Aurélien is a young and very talented cello player who has been sponsored this year to be provide with the opportunity to play major chamber music pieces with world knowed musicians.
The audience discovered also Edoardo Catemario who played on his guitar La Grande Sonata en la majeur from Paganini and Asturias from Albeniz, two great pieces for classic guitar.
Thursday, November 12th – Visit of the National Stringed Instrument Making School
It was an evidence that some space had to be managed in the agenda to provide the opportunity to the violin making students and teachers to share experience and best practices with the artists.
The visit of the stringed instrument making school was full of emotion. The artists discovered all secrets of stringed instrument making (violin, viola, cello), they played the instruments made by the young students and provided some acoustic advices. The musicians shared also their famous violins from Stradivarius, Tononi,... with the students who could discover, observe and play these amazing instruments.
Friday, November 13th – 20H30 – Cinéma Rio
This year we wanted to cover all the aristic heritage from Mirecourt: the stringed instrument making. Therefore, to mix bowed strings and plucked strings, we invited the Italian guitarist Edoardo Catemario.
During this concert nine senior students from the music school (some of them are also string instrument maker students) and four music teachers joined the artists on stage. It was a real challenge for these young amateurs to play with international artists.
Saturday, November 14th – Guitar master class given by Edoardo Catemario
Saturday, November 14th – 17H30 – Cinéma Rio
Two pieces encouraging reflexion and reverence with their very deep and slow sounds have been played during this concert. They have been composed during the second world war, the first La sonate n°2 opus 244 by Darius Milhaud in 1944 and the second Louange à l’éternité de Jésus by Olivier Messian in 1940 when he was prisoner in the concentration camp of Görlitz. Emotion was at the highest as the audience inevitably made the parallel with the tragic events that occured the day before in Paris.
Saturday, November 14th – 20H30 – Cinéma Rio
This concert was intended to be festive but it has finally been transformed in a resounding tribute to the victims of the terrorist attacks in Paris and their families.
The Concert Op 21 from Chausson was the opportunity to build a partnership with Laurent Causse and some teachers of the Music School of Mirecourt.
Sunday, November 14th – 11H00 – Cinéma Rio
The 7th International Musical Meeting of Mirecourt finished with the Quintette from Pierné which closed this concert and the festival. This concert was an outstanding moment. The generosity of the artist was highly above all expectations.
Globally we can say that all eight artists present in Mirecourt during this week were remarkable at all levels: presence and quality on stage, availability and generosity with the audience, the organizers, the students and the teachers.
The invited artists
Thank you for the great week in Mirecourt! You are a fantastic host!!! You made a warm and friendly atmosphere, merci mille fois !
Hariolf Schlichtig
Many thanks for an exciting and very enjoyable week, - I had a great time! And congratulation on all your work that made this festival grow and become very special.
Christian Altenburger
C’était un plaisir de pouvoir partager de si bons moments. Merci encore.
Edoardo Catemario
Je garderai un merveilleux souvenir de ces Rencontres à Mirecourt.
Philippe Muller
C’était une semaine magique !
Dana Ciocarlie
The local artists
Les patients se joignent à moi pour vous remercier de ce merveilleux partage et échange. Nous avons longuement discuté ensemble et ils ont mesuré la nature extraordinaire de cette expérience. Le groupe apparait plus homogène et soudé. Ils ont voulu chanter à nouveau, avec enthousiasme et debout... Ils sont tous admiratifs du jeu instrumental de Marianne ainsi que de sa simplicité relationnelle avec eux.
Quant à l'organisation certains l'ont notée remarquable...
Ils sont tous partants pour poursuivre l'aventure si des opportunités se présentent...
Merci d'avoir pu rendre possible cette belle aventure.
Christine Tricarri, Art-thérapeute au CH Ravenel
The audience
Je voudrais simplement vous dire bravo et merci pour votre admirable travail d'équipe qui a conduit à la réussite de ces 7émes Rencontres Musicales.
Jean-Claude Guillou
Nous avons vécu les 7ème Rencontres comme une semaine extraordinaire. Votre organisation a toujours été exemplaire et nous félicitons tous les bénévoles des JMF surtout sa présidente. Nous félicitons tous les musiciens et bien sur plus particulièrement Marianne pour son investissement pour Mirecourt car elle fait resplendir la musique au-delà de notre ville. Merci à tous pour nous avoir fait profiter de si beaux moments, les répétitions, les master classes, les concerts et nous sommes prêts à vous suivre pour l'avenir.
Christian et Pascale Leon